lundi 25 janvier 2010

++!!25 January 2010!!++

..hari ini kna wt essay kt dlm klas yg btajuk
...kiranya cam assigment gak la ni...
..My new year resolutions is...I want to study hard in this semester....To solving this problem, I take step initiative to study group and discussion with friends, every week about my weak subject..Then, I will make the timetable at my hostel..I must to always meet lecturer when I have anything problem....
I hope...I will get the result in this semester better than last year....Insyallah....
hahaha...ntah pape je easy aku ni...
ayat pun cam x okey je......btarabur lak 2
stakat ni je la yg aku leh citer....

" Allah tahu tentang dirimu lebih daripada engkau sendiri. Maka Allah telah menetapkan untukmu lebih baik daripada apa yang engkau kehendaki..."

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